This iconic post-war revolver was originally designed as a small, compact self defense weapon for off-duty or plain clothed law enforcement officers.
Originally it held the name of ‘Chiefs Special’, after S&W canvased the police chief attendees of their 1950 convention, where this revolver first made its debut. However, in 1957 with so many firearms now in their inventory, S&W re-designated their back catalogue as ‘Models’, with the name Chief Special being replaced with Model 36.
The double action feature allows the weapon to be fired with the hammer either in the cocked (hammer rear) or de-cocked (hammer forward) position. Firing from the hammer forward position requires a firmer pull on the trigger to withdraw the hammer/rotate the cylinder, however the advantage of this is the prevention of an accidental discharge if dropped.
Although small in stature, this sidearm packs quite a punch. Its .38 Special cartridge was used by law enforcement officers since the 1920’s, for its reliable stopping power and limited/manageable recoil. In fact, the Model 36/.38 Special combination proved so reliable, that 70 years after its introduction, it still remains one of the most popular compact defensive weapons on the market.